Thursday, December 07, 2006

The most discriminated people in the world.


It's akin to the persecution that the blacks felt four score and ten years ago. We're not allowed in some places, parents with children get all snarky. Some parents won't let their daughters date smokers. Some women won't date smokers, though that's personal choice and you could be losing a great guy over something as trivial as smoking, but that's just my opinion.

I know how it feels to be persecuted. Which is ironic because I'm a twenty year old white male living in Canada. The greatest nation on earth. Besides australia. Oh, and China, they're fuckin rad over there.


She said...

Tess has a point. Dying young and beautiful might save us from being old and decrepit.

And I LOVE it when people walk by when you're outside smoking and they make sure to do that lame-ass *COUGH COUGH* as they walk in front of you. It makes me want to both laugh, and kick them in the face.

Hahahaha just wait until you're thirty, Brandon. You'll be the "majority" white, middle-class middle-aged, male. At least I have a uterus. But perhaps there you actually got lucky...

Mitch W said...

China for life! smokes are roughly like ten to 20 bucks a carton when i last there. Now that only gets you like one or one and a half packs here.

Angelyn said...

Discrimination is a prejudice for good or bad [usually bad] according to gender, race, ethnicity, age, mental illness, etc... These are not personal decisions that one makes and don't have an adverse effect on other people. At some point all smokers made the choice to start smoking and smoking has a VERY negative effect on people around you so its not just you're own health you're effecting. I have the right to be inside and not be breathing in someone elses smoke that can cause me serious health issues. I choose not to date smokers because i don't want to be around that constantly breathing it in and if i have kids one day i won't want them dating smokers. You can make the decsion to pollute your own lungs, but you can't expect the rest of us to be put in peril so you can smoke wherever you want, and you can't expect everyone else to want to be around you and your second-hand smoke!!!

Women are the most discriminated against group in the world. In very many countries they are still severely oppressed and in China female babies are often killed at birth in the hopes of having a son later on [ya china is a GREAT country]
Lesbian and Gays are pretty high on the list in the Americas, along with Muslims. So next time you want to argue for a highly discriminated group, try to pick something more legitimate.