Sunday, October 15, 2006

It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

I was on my way home from a Paturday night (for those of you not in the industry of Saskatoon's dining establishments, that's a saturday night at the Pat), when I had a revalation. Which was strange due, in part, to the fact that I was in no condition to drive, let alone drive, air drum to lateralus, ponder and dance....This is a sight to behold, especially if you don't know what I'm capable of while driving -wink-.

I decided that something that'd I'd heard all my life was true. The saying that my title reflects, which I've heard every time I was unsure why someone was mad at something I said that I believed to be completely innocent. But, I always assumed that people were referring to the tone of things that are said rather than the actual words chosen to get said point across.

I decided that I can now, with my mastery of the english language (both written and spoken, though mostly spoken) I can get almost any point across and make it pleasant sounding, or at the very least neutral. Meaning, that it's not the content of what you're saying that's extremely important but the wording that you use to illustrate this content. I'm not going to let into any of the words/phrases/letters that I believe to be the most "pleasant", because that would take away from my edge.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I was out on a drive, on a bit of a TRIP!

So, as I sit here pondering what to do/where to go on my extra time holiday that may or not be surrounding the self-proclaimed holiday that represents the birth of a man who's status was literally elevated to that of god-among-men; an idea comes to me...

Why not just hop in the car and go somewhere? But where?

Is there somewhere that I could go that would be more fun than anywhere else? Why, yes there really is: Mexico...but, I can't really afford that shit right now...

Oh, I should be in PG for New Years....SHOULD. Throw me a party.