Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I have swallowed the poison of being me.

Mood: Unknown.

I'm catatonically depressed about a possible future-based near-fantasy that I'd been holding. To think of it brought joy to me. Lately, that possibility has been crumbling. However, as depressed as I am, I've learned something.

Just as with every situation that seems hopeless to the point of absurdity before this one, I've come out of it with a greater knowledge of myself, those around me, and the human race as a whole.

I'd first like to apologize for my lack of typing skills, as; for some reason: I have none right now. My word wizardry has simply carried out the window and left me here to suffer alone. Completely incapabable of transferring my disappointment in one person and hatred of another. That's all I'm going to say, as things may change. Though, if there's one thing that I've realized is that the only way to never be disappointed is to have no hope for the future.

Lesson fuckin learned. I'll see everyone in the summer. I cannot wait.


Anonymous said...

ken, quit being so sad. No on likes it and it ruins You. You need hope. the only thing we live for is hope. hope that we can one day find happiness. we need those disappointed and sad times for there to be good and fun times. remember if there was never sadness there wouldn't be happiness. I know life kind of sucks, but it is what you make of it. and believe me, you aren't making much of it rightt now.. I love you, always have and will. So cheer up, it's not too bad (L)

TheBrandon said...

I learned something today. T'was something my overly wise philosophy professor was quoting. Not sure who originally said it, but it made too much sense to ignore. "Fret about the things that you have control over, let the rest go." I'm just choked I have to let this go is all.