Friday, September 08, 2006

Ontological Argument

A being than which none greater can be thought. (Conceived)

In Philosiphy class, I had this explained to me as a proof or argument as to the existence of god. After pondering it for quite some time, I realized that it must be true. And to my great dismay, I began to renounce my athiest ways. For, by definition, a being than which none greater can be though must exist. Because if you imagine this great being, and imagine that it does not exist, there is a being that must be greater. Imagine the same being but imagine it existing, that being would be greater than the original being, therefore the original being was NOT a being than which none greater can be thought...Because I just thought of one.

Then, I pondered this a little more and thought that the greatest thing that this being could do was reveal itself to me. And, by this argument's own argument, I disproved it that simply. Because, if only to me, I thought that a being with all these great characteristics that revealed itself to me would be greater, and since this being has not physically revealed itself to me, I must conclude this argument incomplete. Also, universal belief in this being would be pretty great, and I think this being would have to have the belief of all thinking creatures for it to be a being than which none greater can be thought.


Naomi said...

Honestly, I always found that to be one of the lamer arguements for the existance of God. Maybe just because I refuse to rap my head around that as a concept, but I mean, it just seems downright lazy. I think there are a lot of thing that would be far better if they didn't exist. You can't attatch a moral quality or quanitity to existance. It's even worse to derive an existensial prinicipal from a moral prinicipal. I know this is going to sound like a weak example, but it's sort of like wishing for something to exist because it'd be nicer that way. Like I wish I could fly to work because I'd save money on fuel. But what matters Naomi's opinion. Look up Immanuel Kants take on the ontological arguement. Or here, I'll link you: This will include many criticisms and the like, but I guess it gives you a nice objective view of it.

Anonymous said...

This "being" supposivley isn't physical. So, if was there, it would not do that. Well I thought, anyways.

T.R. said...

I believe in God. I prove her existence every day just by being the allmighty image of perfection.

But seriously, I think that people created the idea of God so they wouldn't have to be as afraid of death. Fear seems to make people need to create weird explanations for things. Philosophy is really cool, but half of the arguements are just symantics.

Anonymous said...

I'm raps MVP. And I ain't going no wheres so you can get to know me.

mel said...

i'm not getting into this discussion...i just wanted to say hi, to one of my few friends in Saskatoon. it's almost as if you are a part of my imagination, i hear from you (that could be in my head) but i neve see you???

Anonymous said...

Uhm, what you say is true. Brandonbrown does not exsist. He's only a figment of all of our imaginations. That's why he's so radically poetic.

Anonymous said...

After learning from Brandon that I blog everytime i write on someone's wall on facebook. I decided to check out his blogspot.
Working with him has been an excellent and quite interesting time.

Brandon, Check this:
For every person that does believe in God, fully and totally, with all their hearts and minds...i don't mean going to church every sunday because their parents want them to or praying at night before bed. I mean people that really, totally, with all their spirit and soul believe in God, there is one time, or in some cases many times in their lives, that reinforce this belief, this understanding of a higher power, if you have, or ever will be privileged to experience a situation or place, or person that makes you think "this is the most beautiful, lovely, and mystical (person or place or whatever), you realize that there must be a God to create someone so beautiful.

i hope this happens to you, and to everyone, its fucking wicked!!!

ps. rad hair, how many days do i have left to compete?